Colour me a cold hearted bastard but I'm rooting for the bear.
This won't be long but it will certainly be heartfelt.
Anyone dumb enough to put themself in this situation deserves what mother nature dishes out. I see this as a good sign for two reasons.
Polar bear habitats and numbers are both shrinking. They're having difficulty reaching their usual food sources due to melting sea ice and other climate concerns. This is a shame as I find polar bears to be one of the coolest animals on this rock we call home.
Meanwhile, the population and habitats of fat, stupid tourists seem to be ballooning to unheard of numbers. If you were to put together all the overused couches, recliners and futons in the world, I am quite certain the square mileage would dwarf that of sea ice in the north.
I'm of the opinion that this is not a random act of stupidity or animal v. dumb-ass violence. I believe this is science at work. This friends, is natural selection at it's finest. No longer able to find or catch the seals required to feed them, Polar Bears have found new places to live and a new food source to sustain them.
Think about the tiny polar bear cub, from another german zoo, that was in the news a year or two ago. It was the biggest draw at the zoo. It was the cutest animal anyone had ever seen. Everyone wanted to cuddle with little Knut, the worlds most swoon inspiring born killer.
Now skip ahead to this week. A tourist voluntarily hops into the Polar Bear enclosure. If she was looking for a cuddle or a photo op, no one seems to know. However, she WILLINGLY JUMPED INTO A CLOSED PEN WITH A GOD DAMNED BEAR.
We've been duped by bears. It's come to this. Man, the great shaved ape, has become so dumb and sure of our own superiority that we can be tricked by a fucking bear.
"Look at me, I'm a cute cuddly 1500 pound carnivore. In fact, I'm the largest land carnivore on the planet. Don't you want to kiss my nose?"
Have we really sunk this low? I understand if someone is stalked, hunted and killed by a wild beast. That's what they do, it's their lot in life. Those are the things they're good at. The difference is, they are taking over what WE are supposed to be good at. Man defeated the beast by building traps, setting ambushes and generally out thinking those creatures which were bigger and more deadly than we were.
Now we appear to be losing that ability.
The bigger, stronger, meaner and more deadly animals are also apparently smarter than some of us and all it took was looking like a plush toy.............with bear teeth.
Death to the stupid!!
Viva la Polar Bear!!
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