That's it. I've had it. Fed up, pissed off, criminalized and marginalized.
Would all y'all get a load of this bullshit.
For those of you too busy, lazy, distracted or illiterate to read the whole thing, here's the jist of the story.
The RCMP, in an effort to increase applications to join, has decided to give itself the ability to ignore "minor criminal infractions" of those who apply. The article specifically mentions drug related charges such as "posession, cultivation and trafficking marijuanna".
Pardon me while I dip my head in a bucket of ice and listen to the steam snap and sizzle.
Now, I don't really know much french but pardon mine anyway. Are you fucking kidding me?!
Let me lay this out for you folks. My name is Rory, I've smoked marijuanna. I also hold a steady job, donate blood, and open doors for little old ladies. However because of my vice of choice, I am a criminal, I'm forced to associate with criminals, I have the stigma of being a slacker, stoner, loser. If I'm caught, I could be looking at jail time, difficulty travelling outside the country and trouble finding gainful employment with my new criminal record.
Now, let's try this again but with a few slight changes. My name is Rory, I've SOLD marijuanna along with god knows what else AND been caught doing it. In order to get my hands on enough grass to actually sell, I not only have to associate with criminals, but in many cases could end up owing them money. I have no stigma attached to me this time though, because I also want to be a cop.
We'll call the first person here Rory#1 and the second Rory#2.
If you really want to get your brain warped keep reading.
After Rory#2 has had his "past indiscressions" ignored he's put on the streets with a badge and a gun. He is now obligated to ARREST Rory#1 for doing something he was doing only a short time ago. Does this make sense to anyone?! ANYONE?! I beg you, write me a letter, tell me how this possibly makes sense.
I'll even take it further. If you can tell me how this shit makes sense I will suck your dick. I'm a straight man, I like chicks, but I'm so sure that this could not make rational sense to anyone that I'm putting this offer on the table...............maybe the wrong choice of words.
So now the score is this. If you want to be a cop at some point in your life, smoke, smoke, smoke motherfucker. You can even sell or grow. The life of an RCMP officer is an Eden of previous drug use and taser gunslinging.
However, if you have no interest in being a peace officer, you have no right to choose what goes in your body, no reason to expect "youthful indiscretions" to be seen as just that.
Cops who have enjoyed marijuanna in the past are legally obligated to arrest those who enjoy the same thing. I, ladies and gentlemen, refuse. If I were ever to be arrested and charged with posession, my first question to the arresting officer would be, "have you ever imbibed sir?".
No man who enjoys the same vices as I do has any right to arrest me for such vices. Anyone who tries is a tyrant and will see gasoline filled whiskey bottles arcing through the air before he succeeds.
They've almost legalized drug use for future RCMP officers, they simply don't think the rest of us are worthy of the same forgiveness or able to make the same decisions about what we put in our bodies. If it's such a tame drug, that it doesn't matter if cops have had it before, why do we spend millions if not billions of dollars trying to keep it away from people?
Calling all reasonable people! Write a letter, send a text, whatever you do, do it now. This shit makes me bonkers.
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ReplyDeleteNow Rory. If I was walking down the street and saw you wearing a blue man of law uniform looking all bravado and superior; I wouldn't even flinch. I'd walk up to you knowing the guy you are and light the fattest two paper joint my digits could roll and say: ' hey pig what the fuck are you gonna do about me?' If you didn't 'escort' me into a nearby alley and smoke the whole thing all to yourself I'd know you were full of shit.