Friday, January 13, 2012

Terrible, vicious hateful, subhuman animals.

It's come to it now, I can't hold back or change course. I hate the human race. All of us, we are the worst. Now if you're thinking, "Why Rory? What is it that's made you hate us all so? Is your sports team not doing well? Are you out of beer?"

No folks, I'm afraid it's not that simple. Get a load of this story.

That's correct. You read the address and the headline properly. Brazilian loggers, who've been having run ins with the Brazilian government over encroaching on the lands of some of the last uncontacted tribes on the planet, contacted one of them!

An eight year old girl, allow me to add a picture for clarification.

That, ladies and gents, is an 8 year old girl. Now on to the story.

After finding is the wrong word.....capturing fits better. After capturing an 8 year old girl, who had no experience with the modern world, modern man, or the terrible shit we do to each other, the loggers put their thinking caps on and tried to figure out the best thing to do.


Not a word of a lie. She's dead. Burned alive. The most terrible way you could die. And why? Because they want her people to get the hell out. Do you think she understood for a second what was happening to her or why? Not a chance.

Ah the things we'll do for money. How's this for a test, I'll give any of you who read this one million dollars, that's right, one million. Now I'm not rich, so it may take some time but over the next 60 years of my life I should be able to get close to a million. There's only one catch. You need to burn an 8 year old girl alive and watch it until it's done. Who's up for the money? Any takers? I didn't think so.

That's it. That's all I've got. I'm not going to offer solutions, because I shouldn't have to. If we need people with blogs or fuck that...if we need anyone at all to tell us how wrong it is to burn an 8 year old girl alive for money, fuck us. We deserve what we get. Global warming, bring it, we deserve to be flooded out of every city withing 100kms of the coast. Plagues and pestilence, yep, we should have that on tap too.

Whatever the worst the world can dish out is.....I say sign us up, we're a bunch of god damned animals who deserve most of the terrible shit that happens to us....this story is just the proof I needed.

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