A lot of folks may look around the world and say to themselves, "why is everyone so angry?" I on the other hand, would rather ask why isn't everyone angrier.
Now maybe it's because I'm a bitter, angry, dick who can hold a hell of a grudge......but I don't think so. Look around you, watch the news, read a paper. Things are going to hell in a shitty looking, knock-off hand bag. And the people who are supposed to realize it, and stop it are pushing us along the path, singing, and stuffing their pockets with our money.
I understand, not all of you are as paranoid, bile filled and generally cranky as I am, but let me give you two examples. If these don't make you angry as a porn star at a eunuchs house, there is something seriously wrong.
Terrorism -
1. The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
Now get a load of this.....well.....load.
Tom Ridge, former head of Homeland Security (sounds a bit like Fatherland to me), has recently come out and said that some changes in the colour coded terror warning system were POLITICALLY MOTIVATED. That means no threat, or at least no change in threat level. That means, let's tweak these fuckers where it hurts and scare the shit out of them, because you and I both know, scared people vote Republican.
Now read the definition above one more time. What kind of country terrorizes its own citizens? How about the kind directly south of us. How about the kind of gov't our own Conservative folks are modelling themselves after.
I don't know how much more plainly I can put it. A nation that would terrify it's own people for political gains is not one I want having any dealings with my own gov't. This is petty, stong arm bullshit and it fills me with rageahol even though I don't live there.
Hang the Politicians.
Some of you, those who have seen my Facebook page anyway, might remember a little screed I ran off in May of last year. The Alberta conservatives had just voted themselves a whopping pay raise and I was......shall we say.....super fuckin' pissed. On the job less than a year and Ed Stelmach made himself the highest paid Premier in the country.
Now get this, there's no money in the province anymore. Ed and his little general Ron Liepert have been closing hospitals and long term care facilities around the province. His buddy Ron was at least nice enough to let everyone know what was wrong with Ralph Kleins idea to cripple public healthcare. He told people he was going to do it.
Close enough hospitals and people will start paying to have themselves fixed. I only praise the fact that Liepert was dumb enought to say it to a reporter as opposed to in a closed door meeting.
So lets keep count. Ed Stelmach can balance the books when it comes to grossly overpaying himself, but not to provide healthcare to his constituents. He also doesn't give two shits if we like it or not. He's closing them, and you're gonna pay through the nose to get any medical care. They've said this both with their actions and in plain old english.
Now the fun part, warning though, I'm gonna swear like a sailor at the end of this sentence, I don't like it, it makes me sound inarticulate (but the word inarticulate helps).
Fuck this fuckin' bullshit. They're gonna steal my money to line their own pockets, then tell me that, by the way, that publicly paid health care that everyone in the country is given (except us, citizens of the richest province in the land, we had to pay for it).....uh....you don't get it anymore.
Well, maybe you can have it, but you've gotta drive 6 days to get to the nearest public hospital......and that could be tough with a broken leg and lacerated spleen....oh well, thanks for voting conservative and go fuck yourselves. We'll be swimming in piles of your money, like the homo-hating, straw chewing, healthcare killing Scrooge McFucks we are.
Go to hell Alberta Conservatives, or just wait a few years.......maybe you'll bring it to all of us.
Now maybe it's because I'm a bitter, angry, dick who can hold a hell of a grudge......but I don't think so. Look around you, watch the news, read a paper. Things are going to hell in a shitty looking, knock-off hand bag. And the people who are supposed to realize it, and stop it are pushing us along the path, singing, and stuffing their pockets with our money.
I understand, not all of you are as paranoid, bile filled and generally cranky as I am, but let me give you two examples. If these don't make you angry as a porn star at a eunuchs house, there is something seriously wrong.
Terrorism -
1. The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
Now get a load of this.....well.....load.
Tom Ridge, former head of Homeland Security (sounds a bit like Fatherland to me), has recently come out and said that some changes in the colour coded terror warning system were POLITICALLY MOTIVATED. That means no threat, or at least no change in threat level. That means, let's tweak these fuckers where it hurts and scare the shit out of them, because you and I both know, scared people vote Republican.
Now read the definition above one more time. What kind of country terrorizes its own citizens? How about the kind directly south of us. How about the kind of gov't our own Conservative folks are modelling themselves after.
I don't know how much more plainly I can put it. A nation that would terrify it's own people for political gains is not one I want having any dealings with my own gov't. This is petty, stong arm bullshit and it fills me with rageahol even though I don't live there.
Hang the Politicians.
Some of you, those who have seen my Facebook page anyway, might remember a little screed I ran off in May of last year. The Alberta conservatives had just voted themselves a whopping pay raise and I was......shall we say.....super fuckin' pissed. On the job less than a year and Ed Stelmach made himself the highest paid Premier in the country.
Now get this, there's no money in the province anymore. Ed and his little general Ron Liepert have been closing hospitals and long term care facilities around the province. His buddy Ron was at least nice enough to let everyone know what was wrong with Ralph Kleins idea to cripple public healthcare. He told people he was going to do it.
Close enough hospitals and people will start paying to have themselves fixed. I only praise the fact that Liepert was dumb enought to say it to a reporter as opposed to in a closed door meeting.
So lets keep count. Ed Stelmach can balance the books when it comes to grossly overpaying himself, but not to provide healthcare to his constituents. He also doesn't give two shits if we like it or not. He's closing them, and you're gonna pay through the nose to get any medical care. They've said this both with their actions and in plain old english.
Now the fun part, warning though, I'm gonna swear like a sailor at the end of this sentence, I don't like it, it makes me sound inarticulate (but the word inarticulate helps).
Fuck this fuckin' bullshit. They're gonna steal my money to line their own pockets, then tell me that, by the way, that publicly paid health care that everyone in the country is given (except us, citizens of the richest province in the land, we had to pay for it).....uh....you don't get it anymore.
Well, maybe you can have it, but you've gotta drive 6 days to get to the nearest public hospital......and that could be tough with a broken leg and lacerated spleen....oh well, thanks for voting conservative and go fuck yourselves. We'll be swimming in piles of your money, like the homo-hating, straw chewing, healthcare killing Scrooge McFucks we are.
Go to hell Alberta Conservatives, or just wait a few years.......maybe you'll bring it to all of us.